Friday, November 22, 2013

Not Totally Off Topic

A Legacy of Obsession-

20 years ago today I met my husband.
In Dallas.   On the sixth floor of the book depository.   In front of the "sniper's nest".   Really.
We were both conspiracy geeks at the time.  But that crazy conference was enough to cure us.  Way more theories than evidence...

Anyhow, last week's Nova episode was the best analysis of the "magic bullet" ever done.  Lee Oswald really could have done it alone.   Whether someone else planned it with him is another subject.

I now believe his impulsive behavior and oppositional defiance indicate obsessive compulsive disorder.    Not only that- he had an acute bacterial infection as a child, surgery to correct it, and clearly shows facial symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia in many photos.
His life story is not only evidence of his megalomania, but in this photo one can clearly see active pathology on the left side of his face: a puffy and droopy eye, and swollen maxillary nerve.