Saturday, September 10, 2011

Look Closer

Omega-3 Effective for Treating Child ADHD
Supplementation with omega-3 fatty acid may decrease symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children, a new meta-analysis suggests. In an evaluation of 10 trials with 699 total children with ADHD, investigators found that those who received omega-3 supplements had a "small but significant" improvement in symptom severity compared with those who were given placebo. This effect was also significant in the children who received supplements that specifically contained higher doses of eicosapentaenoic acid.

Yoo hoo- researchers- omega-3 is antimicrobial. These results indicate you should be looking for an infectious vector…

Elimination Diet May Improve ADHD Symptoms
In a group of young children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, nearly two-thirds who followed a restricted elimination diet experienced a significant reduction in ADHD symptoms and oppositional defiant behavior. Going off the diet led to relapse.

Hypersensitivity or intolerance to foods or food additives is thought to contribute to ADHD. The children in the INCA study were unselected for any food sensitivities, and the researchers found that performing blood tests to identify ADHD "trigger" foods was not helpful. Blood tests assessing IgG levels against foods did not predict which foods might have a deleterious impact on a child's behavior.

This one is a little more subtle. The first part indicates that diet definitely affects the symptoms. The second part says it’s not a food allergy. They do not speculate what it is.

I’m cheating since I know the answer- ADHD is caused by a strep infection.
Diet affects microbes. They need to compare their list of trigger foods to things that accelerate bacterial growth … acid and sugar. That will probably show a pretty strong correlation.