Friday, August 3, 2012

A Couple Articles

That seem to go together.

Weight-Loss Clinic Drop-Out Rates Are a Huge Barrier to Treating Obesity
Researchers from the Department of Surgery at the University of Alberta and the Centre for the Advancement of Minimally Invasive Surgery at the Royal Alexandria Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta, found that over a six-year period almost half (43%) of the patients of a weight-management clinic funded by Alberta Health Services dropped out of the program before achieving sustainable weight loss.
In a group of patients who are motivated enough to participate in a program like this, a 43% drop-out rate is surprising. "Identifying the factors that predict attrition may serve as a basis for program improvement and further research," the authors state.

[frantically waving hand]  Ooh, ooh, I know why they're dropping out!
Because your diet makes it worse.
Low fat diets are a huge barrier to actually losing weight.

Irony Seen Through the Eye of MRI
(A research team) has shown that the activation of the ToM neural network increases when an individual is reacting to ironic statements.