Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Brain Eating Zombie of the Day

Craig Taro Gold

The (Not-So-Secret) Angry-Old-White-Man Agenda 
The fact is that nearly 75 percent of all suicides in America are now white males, and the older the white male, the higher his likelihood of killing himself. The highest suicide rate among any group of Americans is white men over the age of 50.
And none of it has anything to do with any agenda.  It is not divine justice for closed minded selfishness.  They do not twist their minds into mental knots.
Those men are sick and their fat red faces, lack of empathy and progressively increasing righteousness are overt symptoms. 

Nothing will change until we address that.

(It does tend to run in families, son...  and you do know they make that same argument about your social group, right? )