Monday, October 1, 2012

Sounds familiar

Big Pharma’s newest invention: Adult ADHD
Big Pharma has funded several patient front groups to sell the disease of ADHD without people knowing they are being sold. One astroturf group known as CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) received a total of $1,205,000, from Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson’s McNeil division, Novartis, Shire US and UCB during the 2007/2008 fiscal year–all ADHD drug manufacturers. (Eli Lilly makes Strattera; Johnson & Johnson makes Concerta; Novartis makes Ritalin and Focalin; Shire makes Adderall, Vyvanse, the Daytrana patch and Intuniv; and UCB makes Metadate CD.)
“60 Minutes” reported that in 2009 there were more than two million prescriptions written for Provigil, a stimulant first developed to treat the symptoms of the rare sleep disorder narcolepsy but now used by truck drivers on long hauls, doctors working around the clock and even fighter pilots on extended combat missions, approved by the Air Force.

Unfortunately, getting rid of the drugs does not seem to solve the problem, either.
The symptoms are not invented by Big Pharma.   They are real.   Thus this historically recurring problem.
It's the treatment that is spurious. 

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