Sunday, June 2, 2013

Brain Eating Zombies of the Day

Anorexic Individuals' Disturbed Body Image Influences Unconscious Movements
Individuals suffering from anorexia nervosa perceive their bodies as being larger than they are and this disturbed body representation affects their movements, according to ... Anouk Keizer and colleagues from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. 
Keizer adds, "This is why we believe that current therapeutic interventions should not only focus on changing how patients think about their body and how they look at it, but also target the body in action, in other words, treatment should aim to improve the experience of body size as a whole."
And what the hell does that mean?   And how will it help?   Exactly, please.
Sorry to pick on you, but this whole "body image" thing has annoyed me for a long time...

Anorexia is a metabolic problem and the longer you study stupid shit like this, the longer people will suffer from it.

It seems to work like this-   when your insulin level is too high your tissues swell up.   Your nerves get more sensitive and you don't want anyone or anything to touch you.   You are sick and feel avoidant.  Especially of food.   Not to mention- YOU ACTUALLY DO FEEL LARGER.  No matter how little you weigh.

And when you are in ketosis, you feel thin.    Your tissues shrink and your muscles tighten and you feel skinny on the inside, no matter how wide you are.

Been there.  Done that.  Over and over.