Thursday, July 11, 2013

No Frakking Excuses

Mother's Immune System Might Play Role in Certain Cases of Autism
Some mothers of children with autism appear to have immune system antibodies in their blood that attack brain proteins in their fetuses, a new study finds.
They named the form of autism linked to these antibodies Maternal Autoantibody-Related (MAR) autism, and they believe it could account for up to 23 percent of all cases of the condition.
In the study, the researchers analyzed blood samples from 246 mothers of children with autism and from 149 mothers of children without autism. Compared to mothers of typical children, mothers of children with autism were more than 21 times as likely to have the MAR antibodies in their systems that reacted with fetal brain proteins (antigens).
In related research involving monkeys, another team at the UC Davis MIND Institute also found that specific antibodies in a mothers' blood cause brain changes in offspring that cause behavior and development problems.

Considering this data from Dr. Alaedini shows that at least some of those antibodies are IgG Antigliadin-
I never want to hear one of you pregnant girls say you'll give up gluten after the baby is born.
Never again...effin ay...