Study finds night owls more likely to be psychopaths
Dr Peter Jonason, from the UWS School of Social Sciences and Psychology, assessed over 250 people's tendency to be a morning- or evening-type person to discover whether this was linked to the 'Dark Triad' of personality traits. The results, published in Personality and Individual Differences found students who were awake in the twilight hours displayed greater anti-social tendencies than those who went to bed earlier. "Those who scored highly on the Dark Triad traits are, like many other predators such as lions and scorpions, creatures of the night," he says.
You know who else are creatures of the night? Frakkin Insomniacs. Geniuses. And artists. And musicians. And writers. And scientists. And computer geeks. And soldiers. And nurses. And ambulance drivers. The opposite of predators.
And you know who does seem to universally have the Dark Triad traits? Psychs. Righteous and imperious and exploiting the most vulnerable of us all.
This observation has been obvious since the dawn of civilization.
Your urge to identify and magnify the importance of correlations is a symptom.
Heal Thyself, Maniac.