Monday, January 20, 2014

Brain Saving Information

My new favorite person in the world.
Peter Gotszche    15:45 min video.
I'm going to buy his book right now.
"When the drug industry cheats with its data it can sometimes kill tens of thousands of patients... and yet we have a system where drug regulators rely on what the industry tells them.  And if the industry manipulates the evidence, they can often earn billions of dollars compared to if they are honest.  What I have seen in psychiatry is worse than what I have seen anywhere else."
He does make one correlational error though- assuming the drugs have caused the increase in mental illness.  They certainly don't solve anything and probably contribute somewhat, but the real problem is the change in dietary habits over the last 30 years. That's what's causing the "chemical imbalance".

Huge thanks to Denise for sending me this link.   I feel hopeful again.