The meta-analysis, which was conducted by researchers at Fu Wai Hospital in Beijing, found that participants who drank caffeinated beverages decreased their risk of atrial fibrillation in a dose-dependent manner. For every increase of 300 milligrams of caffeine they drank each day, their risk of atrial fibrillation decreased by six percent. The findings were published online in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology. “It is unlikely that caffeine consumption causes or contributes to atrial fibrillation. Habitual caffeine consumption may reduce atrial fibrillation risk,” they concluded.
Myth: Coffee Consumption Leads To Dehydration
A new paper finds no evidence for a link between coffee consumption and dehydration - at least when it comes to normal coffee consumption. Coffee is mostly water so a moderate amount of coffee not only doesn't result in dehydration, it contributes to daily fluid requirements just as other fluids do.Time for a refill...