Friday, February 28, 2014

Brain Eating Zombie of the Day

Can David Nutt wean us off the demon drink with his alcohol substitute?
Nutt's alcohol substitute is a benzodiazepine derivative, but he is adamant that what he is offering is more than just another form of Valium. It targets the same sites in the brain, but he believes the drug will not cause the same problems with addiction and withdrawal. "Modern science allows us to target the relaxing and intoxicating part, while avoiding the bad parts like addiction and withdrawal," he said.
The drug is already used in humans for other indications, he adds. "Addiction is a complex process. I am confident that the physically addictive properties of this drug are minimal, and that it is much less addictive than alcohol."
Holy Red Flag Batman- if I had a dollar for every time a scientist has said that...