An “easily swallowable capsule,” Obalon comprises a deflated balloon attached to a long, thin tube. Once it's swallowed, the gastric balloon inflates with gas and the tube is quickly removed, all in 15 minutes, with no anesthesia. From there, the 250cc balloon, about the size of an apple, stays inflated at the top of the stomach to make its user feel full sooner. The Obalon maker says up to three balloons, rather than one large one which could be uncomfortable, could be added over a 12-week treatment program to help “consume less food at each sitting.” The balloons do not affect regular activity and are removed in a short endoscopic procedure at the end of the treatment period.But feeling full isn't the problem- hypoglycemia is.
Obalon, billed as “the biggest advancement in obesity treatment,” is intended for people with a body mass index (BMI) of 27 or higher.
If I ate an entire pot of pasta, I would be full to the point of discomfort, and still hungry...
Been there, done that. Over and over.