Saturday, July 19, 2014

Kinda Fun

Why Does Your Body Do These Strange Things?
Doctors explain Reddit’s list of bizarre and secret bodily behaviors.
Some of the answers are pretty good. Some of them are blow-offs. Most of the "bizarre and secret" symptoms seem pretty familiar...
I constantly have a weird static in my vision... it's mostly visible in the dark, but in light I can still see it (or if not directly it, perceive some kind of motion as what I assume to be an effect of it). I've asked other people and they have no idea. It's been there my whole life.
Trust me, that's inflammation of the opthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve...
When it's real bad I see like this and get something I call "restless face".

And since they mentioned tinnitis too...  I should probably mention that most of their list can be subclinical manifestations of chronic oropharyngeal infection.   Tonsil balls?  That's just blatant.