Friday, January 30, 2015

Why Did I Click?


Wake No More
Very long article about a very sleepy guy.
Who probably needs a carb free diet and a good head cleaning.
But they gave him Flumazenil and Clarithromycin instead.

Flumazenil is used to treat delirium in alcoholic liver disease.

Hepatic encephalopathy is a reversible metabolic cognitive dysfunction with multifactorial pathogenesis. The widely accepted hypothesis is that encephalopathy is due to a failure of liver clearance of gut-derived toxins. Although the exact toxins involved remain controversial, ammonia remains the toxin of interest. This has led to many investigative and therapeutic efforts aimed at identifying and eliminating the putative toxins that originate from the gut lumen.
(It's bacterial endotoxin, not ammonia by the way.)

Clarithromycin is an antibiotic used for lung infections.  Yes, lung infections.  That's right.

There is very little I hate more than the arbitrary diagnoses of NwC, NwoC and IH. 
This classification scheme divides the symptoms, obscures the spectrum of presentations and is a huge impediment to our progress.