Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Good Idea

Tattoo removal may soon be as easy as applying a cream

BLTR tackles the problem from a totally different angle. Instead of the most common laser-removal techniques, Falkenham’s cream utilizes the skin's natural healing processes.  When ink pigments enter the body during a tattoo, they are attacked by and eaten by white blood cells known as “macrophages”.
According to this research, there are two kinds of macrophage at work. One set carries some of the ink’s pigment to the draining lymph nodes, removing it from the area around the new tattoo. The other set, the macrophages which have “eaten” the pigment, bury themselves in your skin to form the visible tattoo.
But over time, the second set – the macrophages that formed the tattoo – are slowly replaced. This is why tattoos fade over the years. The idea behind the removal cream is that the BLTR targets those pigment-carrying macrophages for removal.