Friday, March 6, 2015

Preliminary Results

Heidi's latest experiment on herself-    Flonase

This is a mild steroid that has just come on the over-the-counter market for nasal allergies.
Since I have chronic nose colonization and usually find rhinitis remedies help my overall symptoms, I decided to try some.

I have had trouble controlling my infection since moving from Seattle to Arizona.  My nose ran all the time in the rain, so I thought it would clear up, but it just changed.   My sinuses are usually dry now, but so are my ears.   I've had tinnitis since last summer, and a screeching dentist drill in my right ear since the Denver conference.

After one week of Flonase administered per the directions...  it ceased.   My sinuses were clear and the noise just stopped.
The day before Miss Madcap got here.   It was so perfect, I had a headache free weekend.
It's seemed to work pretty well for a week.   And we are having red alert allergy weather right now.

Thought you might want to know.

Update: it's been about a month.   Love it.   Silence is golden.