The sugar lobby’s sour tactics
The head of the Sugar Association wrote to the advisory committee
to say there was no “proof of cause and effect” linking “ ‘added
sugars’ intake with serious disease,” nor any “significant scientific
agreement” to justify telling the American public sugar is “a causal
factor in a serious disease outcome.” Added Briscoe: “There is not a
preponderance of scientific evidence for conclusion statements that link
‘added sugars’ intake to serious disease or negative health outcomes or
for a recommendation to limit ‘added sugars’ intake to less than 10% of
Yes, well that's all about to change. And then this sociopath will no longer have that plausible deniability to hide behind.
I feel the sugar lobby’s toothache. It seems all kinds of dietary villains are getting off the hook these days. This week came a report in The Post that salt may not be as bad as previously thought. The British Medical Journal reports that saturated fat isn’t really a problem. It’s as if we’ll soon discover, as Woody Allen did in “Sleeper,” that cigarettes are actually good for us.
Heh. I actually have found quite a few beneficial properties of nicotine. Especially for infection and sepsis control.