Friday, June 3, 2016

Brain Eating Zombies of the Day

This Ukrainian Company Wants to Become the Netflix of Sleep
What if the perfect dream weren’t fleeting? What if, instead, it could be replayed or remixed whenever and however you wanted? Change that one moment in time that you and your subconscious think has fcked up the rest of your life? No problem. Sleep with your favorite celebrity? Of course. Spend a day as a fire-breathing dragon? A little weird, but sure. Making this happen is essentially the business plan of the Kiev-based company Luciding. It claims that its signature product, a headset called the LucidCatcher, puts you in control of your dreams via a minor electrical shock to the brain during REM sleep.
Oh yeah, that sounds healthy.

One more time-
It's a sign your sleep is being disrupted and you are still semi-conscious.
Usually because of breathing problems.

Disrupted sleep ruins your immune system and metabolism.
It's probably not something you want to induce with shocks to your head.