How Back Pain Took Over the World
Even when you include poor and middle-income countries, low back and neck pain went from ranking 12th as a cause of disability globally in 1990 to ranking fourth in 2015, the most recent year. In most countries, it was the leading cause of disability. DALYs from low back and neck pain increased by more than 17 percent from 2005.She blames obesity.
I blame Doctors.
Opioid Pain Relievers INCREASE back pain over time by destroying neurons in the spinal cord.
And they promote obesity.
And constipation. Which causes back pain too.
Every time they prescribe pain pills... people get worse.
And they've been handing out those highly addictive versions like candy for a while now.
It's not at all surprising that this incidence is shooting skyward.
Neck pain comes from bad teeth.
And if you take pain pills for that instead of fixing them, it will get worse too.