Monday, July 15, 2024

State of the Insanity

 Off the charts.   

Impacted third molars vs. a mouth full of false teeth.

Made even worse by modern methods of symptom suppression.  This kind of sepsis used to kill people before they could harm others.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

As I was saying

 The surprising link between neck thickness and health

Such a good observation.   Such bad conclusions.   This isn't about fat.   

And it isn't surprising at all.

Here's a couple things I have linked to before:

A swollen neck/face is a symptom of salivary gland infection.

Wide-Faced Men More Aggressive

Monday, July 8, 2024


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Money for Nothing

MS drug 'rebranded' – at up to 20 times the price
A pharmaceutical company stands accused of putting profit before patients after withdrawing a drug used in the treatment of a chronic debilitating disease – ahead of relaunching it at a price predicted to be up to 20 times higher.
That's some pretty expensive lipstick on that old pig.

This reminds me of why I hate pharmas-  The CFO of my company came and gave a budget talk.   He said we were dumping millions of dollars every year into finding a treatment for Septicemia-  a deadly infection you usually get in a hospital-  because if we did find one-   "We will be able to charge anything we want for it".   He actually said that out loud in front of a lot of people.  He suggested TWENTY THOUSAND dollars per dose.   To survive an infection the doctor gave you...

Your money or your life.   That's their business model.

(for the record, I ran to the bathroom and cried and vomited.  And promptly went on a three week sabbatical.  And then I gave my notice.)

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Working on....


Eating Disorders

Parkinson's Disease

Holy Shit.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Auntie Zombie earns her Title

See the vortex.

See the pathology.

Face cancer.  Zero Stars.   Do not recommend.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Just Thinking

 I'm pretty sure dogs could be trained to diagnose P. gingivalis.   Not my ill-mannered dogs, but some dogs...

Saturday, January 27, 2024

New Hypothesis for the Ages

Pinned post.  Jan 27, 2024

Auntie Zombie Explains Insanity

30  pages.  Will change your brain.

I hope you all feel better soon.  Keep up the good fight.

(Russell, your answer is in there.)

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

So many angry young men

Wisdom teeth or third molars are the last, most posteriorly placed permanent teeth to erupt. They usually erupt into the mouth between 17 and 25 years of age. 

Friday, May 20, 2022

On the topic of Expected Behavior

The Buffalo shooter had a toothache

And that article is totally full of shit about why that matters.   It's not political.

Having a toothache for six months will make you crazy.   Period.  Chronic Septicemia will make you desperate and obsessive.  This Is Predictable Behavior.

But you don't get to choose your obsession.  Righteousness and impulsivity just take over your mind.

I predicted exactly this type of bullshit at the beginning of the pandemic.   So many boys trapped in their basements with their sugary snacks, dental infections, internet induced outrage... and guns.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

My Proposal

If you old nasty men want to go back to the 1950's, that's fine.

We'll start by removing your coronary artery stents.  No modern technology for you.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

As I was saying

 A completely predictable outcomeBut of course.   

A new University of Florida Health study found that men with COVID-19 are more than three times more likely to be diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, or ED, than those who are not sickened by the coronavirus. The paper adds to emerging evidence that COVID-19 might impact sexual function, researchers said.

The Goddess Nemesis has chosen the most appropriate punishment for the recent excessive displays of hubris.

Friday, March 4, 2022

You don't get to choose your obsession

Putin has Parkinson's. His daughter admitted it last year. Recent video show his impairment and this picture shows he has no facial muscle tone, also known as a Parkinson's mask.

A prescription for L-dopa would explain a whole lot about his recent behavior. L-dopa is well documented to cause obsessive-compulsive behavior. Sex and gambling addictions are a big problem doctors are told to watch for.   

My father was lucky. He didn't leave his wife or squander all his money. He became obsessed with Roy Orbison's music. He played the same double album over and over on giant speakers at ridiculous levels for months. I thought that was pretty inconsiderate and annoying... but at least he wasn't a sociopath and didn't have access to tanks or nukes at the time.  

Behold the power of dopamine.

Russians 'totally devastated' after Putin flushed their economy 'down the toilet in five days'.

Update 4.21.20    Here's a new video

Monday, September 13, 2021

Say OH

Finally, something that isn't apocalyptically depressing to write about. 

I have been testing this theory for a number of years.  I know it works. 

It just won an IgNobel prize for Medicine.

Go Figure.

Can Sex Improve Nasal Function?—An Exploration of the Link Between Sex and Nasal Function

Nasal breathing improved significantly after sexual intercourse with climax to the same degree as after application of nasal decongestant for up to 60 minutes.

It also works backwards, if you clean and lubricate your mouth and sinuses, sex improves.  Seriously.

(on a tangent- I'm guessing this could be a trigger for hominins evolving hidden ovulation and constant sexual availability.   Bipedalism has messed up our upper respiratory system.)

Anyhow- the behavioral consequences of ignoring this phenomenon are endless. Entire medico-psycho-pharma-prison industries are built on nasal and sexual dysfunction.

And yet is is ridiculed.

This may be only thing Freud got right.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Sepsis and Cognitive Dissonance

Household name antidepressants may be helping some patients survive COVID-19.

Knowing that “cytokine storms” are associated with severe cases of Covid-19, Reiersen contacted her colleague Eric Lenze about doing a study together. The pair conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled study to determine if early use of the antidepressant fluvoxamine by Covid-19 patients could reduce severe outcomes. The researchers found that clinical deterioration occurred in 0 of 80 patients in the fluvoxamine and in 6 of 72 in the placebo group.

Now, studies in at least three countries — France, the United States, and Germany — support the idea that certain antidepressants can be an effective early treatment for Covid-19.