Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Maturity Integrity Bravery

Convicted US Capitol rioter turns down Trump pardon

Pamela Hemphill, who was nicknamed the "Maga granny" by social media users - said she saw the Trump government as trying to "rewrite history and I don't want to be part of that".

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Monday, January 20, 2025

Fuck Donald Trump

 And Fuck You if you voted for him.

I’m from the 20th century, when nazis were clearly the baddies and it was bad if you wanted to be like them.

Gen Z

Have Mercy

On the topic of Toxic Masculinity

I'm just going to keep this post near the top from now on. 

Now that I have pretty much satisfied most of my personal medical obsessions- I am going to turn my gaze on the one I think causes the most problems in the world:  Men’s obsession with their dicks.  

It’s pathological.  It has destroyed civilized society.

Here’s my hypothesis:   Your penises are never happy because you don’t know how they work.  They are mistreated and abused.   They become impaired.

First of all, most of them have been chronically infected by germs that live in saliva.   Do the math.

P. gingivalis impairs the sensory nerves in the skin.   That’s a big problem.  Sexual success is dependent on the ability to perceive pressure and vibrations. 

It also causes inflammation in the tissues.   Which is irritating.    Abrasions then allow the germs into blood vessels, and they get less elastic.

It also gets in the ducts and impairs the draining function.

I wouldn't be surprised if it traveled to your spine and gave you all that back pain...


Secondly, you don’t know how to operate them properly.   You’re terrible drivers.

Orgasm does not just occur in the genitals.   It also drains the glands in the face and throat.  You never ever include that in your workout.   There are vibration sensors in your nasal sinuses too.  You must move your head and neck, you need to stretch your face and tongue.  If you synchronize this with your hips, you will be able to drain your cranium and relax completely.   Yes it looks stupid, but it’s important.

It’s not a wonder you people are never happy.  

Stop blaming women.  You’re the ones suffering from Hysterical Suffocation.  Y'all should have figured that out a long time ago.  Try some curcumin soap and lotion instead.  Reduce your inflammation and infectious burden.  Fix your nasty teeth, they impair your facial nerves.  Clean your mouth and nose before sex too.

And please, stop doing weird anti-masturbation rituals.  It’s quite healthy and satisfying if you do it right.

(for the record, I'm pretty sure you're going to want your children to have a vaccine for this...)

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Here's the Deal

Hey guys.   It seems that if we rid ourselves of P. gingivalis, y'all can drink beer and eat steak without the dreadful long term consequences...
like divorce.
If you also eliminate herpes viruses, you might be able to play football without breaking your brains...

See the Vortex

"Every single one of these guys is an incel loser who thought that being rich would make them popular and well-liked and when it didn't happen they lost their minds even further," wrote New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

I am not hallucinating

Retinal neurons provide insight into schizophrenia disease mechanisms

In a previous study, researchers found alterations in the retina of schizophrenia patients that became more severe with increased genetic risk. Accordingly, the researchers suspected that retinal alterations are not only a consequence of common comorbidities like obesity or diabetes, but might be caused by schizophrenia-driven diseases mechanisms directly.

In addition to schizophrenia, retinal alterations have been observed in patients with bipolar disorder, depression, multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and stroke.

PG is documented to invade the retina and gingipains are found there too.


Study reveals immune system changes linked to schizophrenia and treatment resistance

Specifically, the researchers found that the ratio of CD4 to CD8 T cells was much higher, while the levels of mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells were much lower in individuals with schizophrenia, especially in those with greater treatment resistance.

Reduced CD8+ peripheral blood T lymphocytes are found in rapidly progressive periodontitis

Friday, January 17, 2025

Bullshit squared equals

Behold the AI Slop Dominating Google Image Results for "Does Corn Get Digested"

Some Science

Ancient genomes reveal an Iron Age society centred on women

'Obelisks': Entirely New Class of Life Has Been Found in The Human Digestive System

More and diffeent germs.  yay.

United States dementia cases estimated to double by 2060

I don't think so.  Alzheimer's is pretty easy to solve.   I assume many other microbes do similar things though.

Like Covid.  It causes amyoid production too.  It's going to cause a lot of mental problems in the near future.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Head-desk ad infinitum

Pete Hegseth says he 'hasn't washed hands in 10 years'

Pete Hegseth has said on air that he has not washed his hands for 10 years because "germs are not a real thing".  Speaking on Fox and Friends, Hegseth said the infectious micro-organisms did not exist because they could not be seen with the naked eye.

That's Trump's Nominee for Secretary of Defense.   He's going to be in charge of bioweapon detection???   Military readiness?   Troop health?    


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Make it stop

oh, my brain...

Man says 2 of his cats died after drinking raw milk recalled for bird flu

Speaking of faces full of endotoxin:

Matt Gaetz is selling Ivermectin.  Fuckin predator.

Heal Thyself

Americans who are sick and dying should mostly blame themselves for their health condition. That’s what Sen. Roger Marshall said as Republicans are poised to cut health care access and increase costs for millions of Americans.
“Look, about 70 percent of your health outcomes are determined by you,” Marshall said Sunday on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures. “It’s determined by what you eat and what you’re surrounded by. By the time you come to my office as a doctor, I can impact maybe 10 or 20 percent of your health outcomes.”

I find it very interesting that this man who calls himself a doctor hasn't addressed the fact that both his parotid glands are the size of golf balls and sticking out either side of his face.  I'd theorize he's busy tracking his prostate instead.
He's an OBGYN...shiver....I pity his patients. 

Cha Ching

This is something I wrote about ten years ago:  

Germs that kill you aren’t usually very successful.

They get a lot of attention.  They motivate people to avoid them.  Pretty sure you’ve heard of Ebola.

Over time they also kill off all the susceptible people and leave the ones who are immune.  Burn themselves out.


Really successful microbes don’t kill you.  You don’t even know they’re there.

They're insidious.

Either they're imperceptible, or intermittent, or the symptoms are variable. 

So you don't ever notice that you're infected.

For that reason, some of them are now ubiquitous.

Everyone has them. Everyone has them all over.

There are many organisms that live within us and are known to cause long term complications.  Many of them are also found in people with those chronic illnesses.   The problem is- the correlation between them is often not at a statistically significant level. Since there are often many ways to get the same effect, most medical studies are flawed.  

The statistical requirements to prove validity assume a minimum threshold of relevance.

Experiments generally assume a one to one relationship between factors.  Unless they are specifically designed for an interaction-  they do not detect multiple causes. If x or y cause z, and you're only testing for x, well you're half right, but your results will not register statistically.

Similarly if x and y together cause z, your results will show no correlation.

Conversely, this is also true if your illness has multiple or variable effects.  If you are only looking for a subset of the possibilities, your experiment will not show a relationship.

Likewise, they do not account for less than threshold activity.    If your illness is extremely mild or intermittent, it will never be statistically relevant in a study.   They just won't even see it.


PG fits all these criteria.    It masks itself by altering the immune response and reducing pain- making people think it's harmless.  It combines with other microbes to create many different effects.     It alternates between acute and chronic symptoms...that is why it is everywhere.

It is also why my brain sounded like a casino when I read the PG review article.   It rang all my bells at once.   At 2am… 

My Favorite Maniac

 #Aaron Swartz

See the vortex.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Oh Really

P. gingivalis needs iron to survive.   Apparently it can dissolve stainless steel.   It increases growth in the presence of stainless steel.   Like dental appliances.  Braces.   Implant screws.   

Not to mention: Most pathogenic bacteria scavenge iron.      

In vitro corrosion studies of stainless-steel dental substrates during Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilm growth in artificial saliva solutions: providing insights into the role of resident oral bacterium

(insert roll-eyes and curse words here.)

Friday, January 10, 2025


     Behaving like children.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Correlation Games

Insurers limit coverage of prosthetic limbs, questioning their medical necessity

Annual ‘winners’ for most egregious US healthcare profiteering announced

Mark Zuckerberg sports $900,000 watch as he cancels Meta fact-checking

Eugenics Isn’t Dead—It’s Thriving in Tech

As I was saying...

Does substance use change the brain's structure, or does brain structure predispose some to substance use?

Results suggest that structural brain variability, including larger overall brain volumes and regionally thinner prefrontal cortex, may predispose youth to begin using substances such as alcohol, nicotine, and cannabis before age 15. These structural differences were observed prior to substance use, indicating they reflect a preexisting state, potentially risk factors rather than consequences of substance exposure.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

So clever


The benefits and risks of an overactive Habenula

If you are young and your habenula is slightly overactive, you will get more neural punishment for things that you do wrong.   So you will learn faster.   Adults will call you gifted.

If your pain sensation then diminishes, you will not feel the pain from doing dangerous things.

So you do more difficult things.   And you get positive reinforcement.   And less fear.

Then you do riskier things.   Until the things you do are harmful to others or yourself.

Then you get told no.  And your habenula freaks out because it’s been getting more active the whole time.

So, since you’re so smart, and inexperienced, you think you’re right and figure out ways not to get caught.  And suppress your habenula with drugs.   And then everyone tells you that you are stupid.  

And you become motivated to prove them wrong.   For your whole life, if necessary.

The Fall of Civilizations

I have seen the most amazing things on live TV.

The moon landing

The Challenger Explosion

The Towers falling on 9-11

I stayed up for 24 hours watching the fall of the Berlin Wall on CNN.  It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  

It is why the lefties are mourning.  

It is also what the billionaires and oligarchs fear.   Our deep instinctual desire to help eachother…

When we are not desperately sick.

My mother was born in Germany in 1941.  We visited once a year during the 1960’s and 70’s.   I can tell you none of those people had dentistry before or after the war.  It was a land of zombies.   All of Europe was.   Infections everywhere.

See also:  the rest of history.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Self Serving Lies

This shit is untrue.  Archaeological evidence shows most large societies collapsed due to epidemics.   He knows nothing about humans.

What I See

Everywhere.  Always. 

My Favorite Zombie

Vincent Van Gogh