Monday, March 5, 2012


From th PANDAS Network:
Dr. Trifiletti posted this statement earlier in regards to the students in Le Roy…
 “I have now had the opportunity to review laboratory data collected in a standardized fashion on eight of the nine girls I examined in Leroy, NY on 1/29/12. Five of eight girls show evidence of carriage of Streptococcus Pyogenes and seven of eight show evidence of infection with Mycoplasma Pneumonia. All eight girls tested show evidence of infection with at least one of these pathogens. Both of these agents have been associated with a PANDAS-like illness with the sudden onset of motor and vocal tics. Thus, a PANDAS-like illness is my working diagnosis, rather than a mass conversion disorder.

For those of you unfamiliar with this story-   Twelve teen aged girls in the Western New York community of LeRoy suddenly began exhibiting mysterious tics and spasms last October.