Friday, April 27, 2012

The Circle of Insanity

Where Medical Theater and Legal Theater dance to their own drummer...

Norway mass killer Breivik likely not insane
Breivik's extraordinarily well-organized and methodical massacre also undermines the idea that he was suffering from a serious mental illness. "It doesn't tally with the kinds of disorganized crimes usually committed by people with mental health problems," Wessely said.
There's some circular logic for you. Mentally ill (read: psychotic) people commit disorganized crimes so this obsessive compulsive freak couldn't possibly be mentally ill.

I thought manic obsession was a symptom of mental illness.
Well- is it, or isn't it?

As long as there is no medically recognized pathology, they are free to say just about anything they like.
As long as there is no actual mechanism, they can make all the assumptions and conclusions they want to produce the outcome they desire.

But the fact that they use that man's rigorous dedication to killing people as evidence of sanity- well that just shows you how freakin crazy they are.