Wednesday, April 18, 2012

CYA with Correlation Games

Gum disease and heart disease -- no link after all?
“Keeping teeth and gums healthy is important for your overall health,” the heart association’s statement begins. “However, an American Heart Association expert committee -- made up of cardiologists, dentists and infectious diseases specialists -- found no conclusive scientific evidence that gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, causes or increases the rates of cardiovascular diseases. Current data don't indicate whether regular brushing and flossing or treatment of gum disease can cut the incidence of atherosclerosis, the narrowing of the arteries that can cause heart attacks and strokes.”
Do you see what they're doing?  Teaching the controversy.
The AHA has an impressive track record of protecting their territory like this-  they have been trashing on Atkins and Low Carb diets for decades.

It is not a coincidence that the people who are responsible for this miscarriage of medicine are endorsing this study.

Their statement sounds grand, but is really quite specific:
  • Although there are a ton of them - Population studies are correlative and do not show causation. 
  • Therefore we are in the clear for past malpractice and don't have any plans to change.
    A large, long-term study would be needed to prove if dental disease causes heart disease and stroke, he said.  Such a study isn’t likely to be done in the near future, and it’s most important to let patients know “what we know now, and what we don’t know,” Lockhart said

They are right on those two counts- population vs long term studies.
But they neglect the direct studies.  The tissue cultures.   The biochemical and  microbiological assays.  The identical DNA results.    The extensive historical evidence of common oral infections causing catastrophic heart disease.
And they forgot to mention the fact that brushing and flossing do not actually prevent gum disease...oops.

And if the data is so ambiguous- please explain to me WHY they're not planning that study?  Doesn't that fall under the category of "Their Profession"?   

They are putting everyone at risk to shield themselves from the consequences of their own incompetence.  While they squeeze the last few easy dollars out of the pipeline.  Make up their cover story. And figure out where to move the goalposts.
This is the fight we can expect from the whole rotten industry.