Tuesday, May 15, 2012

See the Pattern

Groundbreaking $100M study aims to stop Alzheimer's before it starts
In a highly unusual move, researchers will focus this clinical trial on patients near Medellin, Colombia. Hundreds of people in one extended family were born with the genetic flaw that makes it certain they will contract Alzheimer's by the age of 50. The patients will get shots of the leading experimental Alzheimer's drug called Crenezumab to target what most scientists think is the root cause of disease: the buildup, deep in the brain, of the toxic amyloid protein. If the family members get no buildup of the protein, scientists hope they won't develop Alzheimer's.
The buildup of amyloid probably causes the symptoms (that's not certain though).  The cause of the buildup is a fundamentally different problem...

If they do succeed in preventing the symptoms, they will be able to sell their drug and avoid determining the cause indefinitely.