Monday, September 3, 2012

Brain Eating Zombie of the Day

Tom Horvath
You're talking, but you're not saying anything.

How should we treat addiction?
The leader of the largest alternative to AA sounds off on why 12 steps shouldn't be the only model for sobriety.
That's a fact.  AA shouldn't be used at all because the "stop drinking and just suffer" model doesn't help.  However an "internal locus of control" means basically nothing and isn't a real solution either.  If this man knew anything about alcoholics he would help those people with their glucose metabolism.  But he admits he doesn't know what alcoholism really is and that he has basically just decided that whatever ideas he pulls out of his ass are an appropriate thing to do anyway.   Hell, he doesn't even have an internally coherent strategy.  He only has a bunch of clients because his "program" is the path of least resistance- an alcoholics' very favorite thing.