Wednesday, September 26, 2012

To Be Clear

Narcolepsy Network is NOT a patient organization.
Narcolepsy Network does not exist to help or educate Narcoleptics.
Narcolepsy Network does not want you to get better. 
Narcolepsy Network is now almost fully funded by drug companies.  It is not a source FOR patients.  It is a Source OF Patients.
Look at it-  their goal is "Raising Awareness".  Translated, that means "Drum up Business".
Find you as soon as po$$ible, get you into a Doctor$ office, give you lots of Te$ts and put you on ¢Pap and Drug$.
And then suck your family into the vortex, too.

It's not about you.  It's about your diagnosis.  Period.
Narcolepsy makes you eligible for life-long big-dollar insurance reimbursement.

The patient forum and conference are merely ways to get you to become personally invested in their charade. And do their public relations for them.

Jazz has coopted the Zombies into literally trolling schools to find kids to put on Xyrem.