Monday, January 7, 2013

How Doctors Think

From a Medline Article
How Responsible Are We for Our Obese Patients?
"Since when are we responsible for what people eat, watch on TV, [or] what their hobbies are?"

"Maybe we just need a good ad/marketing firm." 

"We need to start by not having 70%-80% of us (physicians) being overweight and obese. Lead by example, or your voice can't be taken seriously."

"We don't teach the essentials: avoiding calorie-dense food, which is essentially refined sugar and fat." 
If doctors think that calorie dense food causes obesity, then that probably explains why so many of them are overweight themselves.   The same reason as the rest of us:  bad information from Doctors.

I do like this quote though:
An internist questioned the desire to change the status quo and even implied some complicity by pointing out, "We docs seem to do better and better as our patients get larger and larger!!"
Imagine that.