Thursday, January 31, 2013

Microbial Metabolic Modification

Two articles. 

Gut Microbes at Root of Severe Malnutrition in Kids
"The gut microbes of malnourished children and malnourished mice do not appear to mature along a normal, healthy trajectory," says senior author Jeffrey Gordon, MD, director of the Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology. "Feeding the children and the mice a high-calorie, nutrient-rich food had a temporary, beneficial effect on their gut microbes, but not enough to repair the dysfunction. Our results suggest we need to devise new strategies to repair gut microbial communities so these children can experience healthy growth and reach their full potential."
and here's their first strategy-
Antibiotics Cut Death Rate for Malnourished Children
Severely malnourished children are far more likely to recover and survive when given antibiotics along with a therapeutic peanut-based food than children who are simply treated with the therapeutic food alone, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found.
Malnutrition, much like morbid obesity, seems to be a metabolic illness.   I'm shocked, I tell you.