Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Surfin' Medline

This hasn't been published yet, but the abstract is up.
A Retrospective Survey of Childhood ADHD Symptomatology Among Adult Narcoleptics.
Joint prevalence calculations of childhood ADHD symptomatology in the Narcolepsy Group were more than 8 to 15 times greater than expected. Among NG, those individuals with a greater score on the WURS, indicative of childhood ADHD symptomatology, also had shorter sleep onsets on the Multiple Sleep Latency Test, a common objective measure of sleepiness. Conclusion: It appears that self-reported childhood ADHD symptomatology history among adult narcoleptics is common. 
It's self reported, subjective data, but when the full article does come out, let's see if they make the next correlation:

Test those people for strep antibodies.

And for the supergeeks-
An orexinergic projection from perifornical hypothalamus to raphe pallidus increases rat brown adipose tissue thermogenesis.
Apparently orexin directly stimulates brown fat production.    Free full text available.