Friday, April 19, 2013

What I See

Charles Pierce gets it: 
It is Columbine.  It may be Columbine with a thin overlay of politics. It may be Columbine with Jihadist YouTube videos instead of rambling diaries. It may be Columbine extended over a greater geographical area. But, for the moment, it looks like a couple of young people who went completely off the twig and decided to kill a lot of people.
Actually it seems more like the DC Snipers.  I don't know how the younger brother got involved, he is described as quite stable by people who knew him-  but the older one clearly shows manic tendencies.    Increasing righteousness and aggression.  But this is the clincher:
John Allan, owner of Wai Kru Mixed Martial Arts Boston, said the older brother, Tamerlan, was an accomplished amateur boxer, competing in the national Golden Gloves competition.
“He was the best boxer in Boston,” said Allan, who remembers helping in a competition three years ago. “He smoked all the professionals.”
Self Injury is the hallmark behavior of someone with a psychoactive immune response.

And this is probably what pushed him over the edge-
...the older brother did so well in the Golden Gloves several years ago that he could have qualified for the US Olympic trials, but he may not have been eligible because of a paperwork problem. 
This is not jihad-  this this the revenge of a intensely frustrated athlete.  Destroying other people's happy endings.