Saturday, June 29, 2013

The World we have Created

A Plateful of Penitence
Nutraloaf appears in prisons across the nation; recipes differ across states. The idea is to create a food product that fulfills an inmate’s caloric and nutritional needs but does not require utensils. The goal is not to create a food product that tastes good. In fact, prisoners around the country have filed multiple lawsuits claiming nutraloaf violates their eighth amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment.

Eastern State gave visitors small portions of the same nutraloaf served in Pennsylvania’s prisons. Cooked white rice, grated raw potatoes, grated carrots, shredded cabbage, dry oatmeal, mashed garbanzo beans, 2% milk, and margarine are mixed together, put into a loaf pan, and baked at 350 degrees for about an hour and a half.
That is not penitence.   That is not nutritious.  
That is neurotoxin.   Low protein, Low fat,  High Carb  psychoactive poison.
"Behavior Modification Food" indeed.

This is the ward of the state version of the  Fruit Loop Protocol.