Sunday, March 2, 2014

Joseph Lister is Weeping

Physician Clean Thy Stethoscope
Stethoscopes carried more methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and other bacteria after a physical exam than most areas of the physician's hand, a study showed.
MRSA contamination on the stethoscope diaphragm after a single physical exam was higher than that of all areas of the hand except the fingertips. Fingertips were by far the dirtiest, with a median of 467 total aerobic bacterial colony forming units/25 cm2, they reported in the March issue of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
But the diaphragm of the stethoscope was more contaminated overall than other areas of the hand, averaging 89 colony forming units/25 cm2 versus 37 at the base of the thumb, 34 at the base of the pinkie finger, and 8 on the back of the hand .
Most stethoscopes don't get cleaned even once a month, if at all, Pittet's group noted.
That's appalling  Disgusting.  Sickening...

and while I'm at it-
Unique multi-resistant bacterium difficult to eradicate
A previously unknown multi-resistant bacterium has been sticking around at a Swedish University Hospital for ten years. The reason for this is deficient hygiene routines among the staff, a doctoral thesis at Linköping University shows.
"The reason for this is that staff are careless with their hygiene routines. They do not disinfect their hands carefully enough, they use long-sleeved work clothes, or wear watches or jewellery," says Ms Lindqvist.
 And one more.