Patrick McNamara
How sex rules our dreams
Fekkin Idjet.
Your obsessions and biases are showing. Seriously, check your fly.
Sleep is brain maintenance, not social maintenance.
The reason there are more active experiences during REM sleep is because that's when the brain defrags the dopaminergic pathways. It shuts down your brainstem so it can check all the links in your muscles and nervous system. It does this by peppering it with rapid neural bursts from the pons.
It stimulates the muscles and nerves while you are paralyzed, so your "dream experience" is derived from that sensory input. You dream of fleeing and fighting and sex because that's what dopamine is used for.
And people who remember their dreams and experience a lot of REM? Have dopamine dysfunction. It's a sign of acute overstimulation of the system. As is sex obsession...
Your Freudian conclusion is an illusion. An artifact of a reality based mechanism. Like Freud himself. - you believe what your symptoms tell you.
Next time ask some narcoleptics if you have questions about sleep. Thanks.