Sunday, August 24, 2014

See the Cycle

Cosmetic eye procedure may ease migraines, small study says

I got 4-way eyelid surgery, I don't know- maybe ten years ago.  

It definitely helped my headaches. It was immediate.   As a matter of fact the first thing I said to my husband when I got home was:  "I can breathe!  My head doesn't hurt".

It totally shut down my trigeminal problems.   My head never felt better.
For a while.
Then it got worse again.  Because my neuralgia actually originates in my tooth sockets.

Anyhow, I would also like to point out that the reason I had puffy, droopy eyelids in the first place was the food allergies and head infections that caused those trigeminal problems too.
But the surgeon never bothered to mention that.

And funny, the ENT who offered to cut up my clogged sinuses never mentioned it either...