Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Article Roundup

Hand dryers can spread bacteria in public toilets
Scientists from the University of Leeds have found that high-powered 'jet-air' and warm air hand dryers can spread bacteria in public toilets. Airborne germ counts were 27 times higher around jet air dryers in comparison with the air around paper towel dispensers.
Excellent.   Another universally accepted assumption that was backwards.

Could there be a bright side to depression?
NO.   No no no no no.
I hate this argument.   Thought of it and Dismissed it twenty years ago.
The ruminations are not the evolutionarily adaptive factor in depression.   In mania- for sure.
Fatigue and Immobilization is an evolutionary adaption for FIGHTING INFECTION.

Review: Ketogenic diets suppress appetite despite weight loss

Vegetable oil ingredient key to destroying gastric disease bacteria
The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is strongly associated with gastric ulcers and cancer. To combat the infection, researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Jacobs School of Engineering developed LipoLLA, a therapeutic nanoparticle that contains linolenic acid, a component in vegetable oils. In mice, LipoLLA was safe and more effective against H. pylori infection than standard antibiotic treatments.

Depression, Pain More Common in Dry Eye Than Tear Film Flaw
Indicating this is an INFECTION.
As one of my pet peeves, let me just add that "Dry Eye" is a description of a syndrome, and does not qualify as a diagnosis.

Horror in American nursing homes: The dangerous practice that they keep getting away with
An NPR inquiry found that antipsychotics are incorrectly prescribed to hundreds of thousands.
"Chemical Restraints"- such a nice euphemism for poisoning people...