Friday, May 8, 2015

Brain Eating Zombie of the Day

Marc Kiviniemi

Thoughts drive dieting plans but feelings drive dieting behavior, study finds
"There is clearly a disconnect if we have a majority of the population that has tried to lose weight and a majority of the population that is overweight," says Marc Kiviniemi, a public health researcher at the University at Buffalo. "People are planning to diet and trying to diet, but that's not translating into a successful weight loss effort."
Many issues, from biological to environmental, determine effective weight control, but how people manage their own behavior is a big piece of that puzzle.
"The crux of the disconnect is the divide between thoughts and feelings. Planning is important, but feelings matter, and focusing on feelings and understanding their role can be a great benefit," says Kiviniemi, associate professor of community health and health behavior in the UB School of Public Health and Health Professions.
"First of all, the deprivation experience is miserable. If you didn't associate negative feelings with it to start, you will after a few days," says Kiviniemi. "The other thing that's important is the distinction between things that require effort and things that are automatic.
"In the dietary domain, eating more fruits and vegetables is fabulous advice. But if you have negative feelings about those food choices, they might not represent elements of a good plan," says Kiviniemi. "It's not just about eating healthy foods. It's about eating the healthy foods you like the most."
Please see how this man is completely willing to concoct bullshit  (and not even creative bullshit) to explain away his own lack of knowledge on a topic.
The crux of this disconnect actually is that 'diet experts" do not understand the slightest bit about metabolism.  Deprivation is not required to lose weight.   Obesity is caused by WHAT we eat, not HOW MUCH.
The Grand Plan is the real problem.  Eating fruit is NOT a reasonable way to lose weight.  It's NOT a "healthy choice".     
It makes people hungrier and insulin resistant at the same time.   It increases fat production.
Which actually does make us FEEL WORSE.
That is why we don't comply with their "fabulous advice". 

People are not stupid.
But Psychology is fundamentally based on the assumption that we are, and therefore never even contemplates a reality based explanation.

One more time:
If their diet doesn't explicitly account for the sugar induced effects of Orexin, they are full of shit.