Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Brand New Day

Well here it finally is, Zombie Hordes. The Brave New World.

Sorry it took so long, and sorry it's so very long and rambling.
I have tried to include everything that's still valid.   For the newbies sake.  And all the fancy stuff for the "professionals".
I got pretty close in the last version, so I repeat a lot of that.  There's a lot of self plagiarizing in general, but you know, it seems as if I've been repeating most of this stuff for years anyway.
All I have ever wanted is to know how it works.   And now I do.  I'm close enough to satisfy myself, anyway.

I trust you guys to take this information and disseminate it, and then dissect it, and correct it, and rearrange it and add in all your experience and expertise and make it better and easier- and way less antisocial-
Until everyone can understand how this works and you ultimately find and liberate us all.
I know exactly what you people are capable of.   I know you got this.

I'm sorry, but I am going to take this summer "away" from Narcolepsy and this blog.
I have collected twenty or thirty times more research than this while figuring this out.  I need to purge my brain. Lock myself in a room and write that book.
I really feel the urge to expose the vast historical tragedy that is Psychiatry, and rearrange the DSM more to my liking.   In other words, reclassify it right out of existence too.
That will surely cost me a few more brain cells.  But if it doesn't kill me, well... then I'm going to hang up this keyboard and learn woodworking. And weaving. And welding.
Get out of this kitchen and never look at PubMed again.

Thank you all so much for your loyalty and interest and essential contributions to my knowledgebase.
I never would have survived without you.   I hope to meet you in my travels someday.

What a long strange trip it's been.