And yawning is apparently the thing to do if you want them to open back up.
I have been having problems with my ears since moving to Arizona and taking that round of Keflex. I find the effects much more annoying than the regular old nasal or tooth headaches. Lots of screeching in my head, weird anxiety attacks, no desire to leave the house when it flares up...
Anyhow, I took Flonase for a while- and it helped a lot, but made my skin more sun sensitive. So I've been looking for more practical ways to alleviate the problem.
I have taken some information from these articles, done some experiments, and had some success-
About 85% of People Only Breathe Out of One Nostril at a Time
There is something called the Nasal Cycle which alternates the sinuses that are open vs closed by alternating partial congestion and decongestion of the turbinate tissue.
Could body posture during sleep affect how your brain clears waste?
By using dynamic contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to image the brain's glymphatic pathway, a complex system that clears wastes and other harmful chemical solutes from the brain, Stony Brook University researchers Hedok Lee, PhD, Helene Benveniste, MD, PhD, and colleagues, discovered that a lateral sleeping position is the best position to most efficiently remove waste from the brain.
Blowing balloons 'treats glue ear'If I lie on one side, I can feel the turbinates switch so the upper sinus is decongested.
Using the nose to inflate a balloon helps heal middle ear infection.
Then I plug the lower nostril and do forceful exhales through the top one. After a few of these I can feel my ears pop and the tube opens and drains. Rapid breathing through it seems to work too. If I'm in the correct position, the parotid salivary gland will drain too, and wash my mouth with saliva.
The nasal cycle is kind of slow though, when you turn over, you have to wait for the other sinus to open...
For the record, this feels really good. Makes my whole head tingle.