Saturday, July 22, 2017

Article Roundup

Things I have been reading:

Blood test detects Alzheimer’s plaques building up in brain
Yeah, there's someone I really want to try this out on...

Extra-virgin olive oil preserves memory, protects brain against Alzheimer's
Yes, well olive oil is antimicrobial.

Sleep, Alzheimer's link explained

Chronic liver inflammation linked to Western diet
Food, antibiotics, and gender are just some of the factors that can throw off the balance between the gut and liver.

Heart failure is associated with loss of important gut bacteria

Gaining a few pounds may increase long-term heart failure risk
both of these things are indications of infection.

Learning with music can change brain structure
Using musical cues to learn a physical task significantly develops an important part of the brain.
(Hi Jamie!)

Depression affects the brains of males and females differently

Drinking coffee could lead to a longer life
Because I must.

Changes in brain regions may explain why some prefer order and certainty

Vaccines protect fetuses from Zika infection, mouse study shows
Mothers vaccinated prior to pregnancy bore young with no sign of virus

Is mental health associated with perception of nasal function?
A study of preoperative patients for rhinoplasty suggests poor mental well-being and low self-esteem were associated with poorer perceptions of nasal function.
I kinda, sorta, might, absolutely, overwhelmingly, aggressively agree with this...

Bacterium actively drives colorectal cancer tumor cell growth

Reversing fetal alcohol damage after birth: Study offers hope
Two commonly used drugs can repair damage caused by alcohol in utero

Not under the skin, but on it: Living together brings couples' microbiomes together
Couples who live together share many things: Bedrooms, bathrooms, food, and even bacteria. After analyzing skin microbiomes from cohabitating couples, microbial ecologists found that people who live together significantly influence the microbial communities on each other's skin.

Your eardrums move in sync with your eyes but we don’t know why
so freaky cool...