The latest twist in the poorly scripted movie that is the current U.S. political system: The future of a bill that could take health insurance from millions of Americans may be decided by how quickly one senator recovers from an unexpected health problem.Yes, that makes sense. A pre-existing condition. Of course.
...On Sunday the New York Times kicked off a new wave of speculation about the bill’s fate when it noted that his condition “may be more serious than initial descriptions have implied, and it may delay his return to Washington by at least a week or two.” The paper did not speak to any of McCain’s doctors, but other medical experts said the recovery time for such procedures can be several weeks. They also discussed how McCain’s history of melanoma might complicate matters.
Metastatic melanoma of the face has probably been causing him a lot of problems for a long time.
I swear, who are the writers on this shitshow?
Please don't make me be grateful for his head infection...