-Just 3 percent of adults in the United States own half of the country’s guns, according to a new study by researchers at Harvard and Northeastern universities. An estimated 7.7 million adults nationwide make up a group of so-called gun super-owners, stockpiling anywhere from eight firearms per person up to 140. On average, they own 17 guns apiece, researchers said.
-The Harvard-Northeastern study found that the percentage of Americans who own a gun at all has decreased slightly between 1994 and 2015, from about 25 percent to 22 percent.
-Nearly two-thirds of the 30,000-plus gun deaths in the United States each year are suicides.
Suicide Rates Highest Among Middle-Aged Men
Guns and Suicide- The Hidden Toll
White Men Have Committed More Mass Shootings than Any Other Group
White people should be more afraid of other whites than they are of people of color
I examined Centers for Disease Control statistics on murder, gun killings and illegal-drug overdoses among white Americans. My analysis shows that the white Americans who are most at risk of dying from these causes are those who live in predominantly white counties.