So, in the meantime I am hoping we can persuade some of them to use their chronic nervous frustration for more constructive purposes.
Redirect the obsessive-compulsive behavior...
This is the best explanation I have ever seen. Distribute widely.
Look Up, Not Down: A Message to Young Trump Supporters
If you're a Trump supporter struggling to keep up with your rent, pay for your medicine, feed your kids, and maybe buy a small pick-up truck on long-term credit, then there's a good chance you're directing your anger, resentment, and disdain at exactly the wrong people.
You have bought into myths designed to protect the rich and feed their greed. You have been duped.
(Don't bother to try to change the oldster's minds. Their teeth are so trashed and their cranial nerves are so toxic that their synapse remodeling systems stopped functioning long ago.)