New research suggests women find it harder to orgasm after having botulinum treatment – but not everyone is convinced this means facial expressions are key to feeling pleasure.Maybe facial nerves aren't necessary for sexual pleasure, but they are necessary for the peristalsis that occurs during orgasm. The reflex involves the face because coordinating the sensory input and motor output between the cranial nerves and spinal nerves is what triggers the peristalsis sequence. Peristalsis is the repetitive pattern of muscle contractions that release sperm from the testicles and also causes the internal directional motion of the vaginal canal during orgasm. Your head and your body have to be synchronized because the same thing occurs in your face- your salivary glands and sinuses and tear ducts all drain too. If you don't have the correct sensory function in those nerves, it derails the reflex.
Yeah, paralyzing facial nerves with endotoxin is a REALLY BAD IDEA.
You are destroying your face's ability to function properly-
Not to mention your migraine/wrinkle/anxiety/depression problems probably come from naturally occurring endotoxin already leaking in your mouth or nose!!
This research is notable because this means sexual dysfunction can probably also be caused by the common everyday facial nerve excitation and suppression due to infection and/or tooth crowding.
Something something headache, amirite?
And yet it suggests that orgasm would be a therapeutic treatment for facial and upper respiratory pathologies. Heh.
Which reminds me of this legendary misdiagnosis...
Go figure.