It has been two weeks since having that crown put on my lower left molar.
My shoulder girdle popped and relaxed and dropped and was way less painful before I even left the dentist office. That was lovely. The verbal tics have been on and off since then, though.
Last night my tongue and salivary gland down under my ear came back to life. At about midnight. Of course.
So I laid on the couch in the dark and entertained myself with breathing and swallowing and surfing the tingles.
I had no idea how paralyzed my tongue was.
Tics are way in the background today. My diaphragm is still twitchy though.
Hmmm, the tongue might be connected to the phrenic nerve somehow... I gotta check on that.
I have been able to pour a full pot of coffee with my left arm for two days.
That is what I call a successful experiment.
I can't even remember how long that's been impossible.
Last night my left pectoral muscle reanimated. Tingly boob at midnight. LOL.
Verbals tics are seldom, and now mostly when I'm in positions that pinch my waist and diaphragm. And they have devolved to just "HA!" instead of phrases. Nice.