Tourette's has multiple trigger points.
The major symptoms are separated by the nerves that trigger them.
Body tics come from the Phrenic nerve. It twitches your shoulder and spasms the diaphragm.
The phrenic nerve is irritated by lower molar infection.
It can also be triggered by injury at the clavicle or lowest ribs.
This seems to cause grunts, and sounds with consonants, and hard H.
"I hate you." (I say this a lot.)
Vocal tics come from the Glossopharyngeal nerve.
The glossopharyngeal nerve terminates above the upper second molar. It innervates the tongue and parotid gland. When the upper molar or parotid gland is inflamed, tongue movement and vocalizations ensue. And salivary insufficiency inhibits healing of infected tissues...
I tend to say words with the letter L or R in them when this happens.
"I love you." (I say this a lot, too.)
The interaction between them is interesting. Especially if they are on the same side...
And chewing and talking then compounds the irritation and weirdness.
"I hate you so much I want you to be my friend." (Yes I say nonsensical shit like this out loud. And then I hear it. And then I say "no, that's not true." Just to stay sane.)
Loopy loopy loops.