Tuesday, May 31, 2022

So many angry young men

Wisdom teeth or third molars are the last, most posteriorly placed permanent teeth to erupt. They usually erupt into the mouth between 17 and 25 years of age. 

EDIT:   This post was followed by the two year period of time that I spent on the event horizon.  My tooth extraction wouldn't heal.   I was too terrified to go to the dentist or doctor because of Covid.  My antiviral prescription ran out.    I could only think of one thing per day.  I was bent over in pain and my head was ringing all the time....   Then I was afraid to go to the doctor because they argue with me over Valacyclovir every fucking time.  They can lock me up if I get agitated...

Then I got the tumor in my cheekbone.

I found the sonic tooth cleaner out of desperation.   It was the first step in my recovery.