Thursday, December 19, 2024

Fuck the ADA

New ADA policies empower states to alleviate dental workforce shortage

The reason there is a dental practitioner deficit is because dentistry is ineffective.   They work on the same mouths over and over.  And blame it on the patients.

Some new policies that improve the quality of care would be a better option.    Test people for infection.  Give away sonic tooth cleaners, not samples of corporate toothpaste.  Develop some fucking vaccines for the most pervasive human infections on the planet...

But No-  That would cut into profits.  The goal of the  ADA is to protect dentists, not patients...

They still haven't admitted that putting mercury in people's mouths was major malpractice.   Plausible deniability is their purpose.

This particular policy has been delayed for 12 years... they have fought it all the way.  Dental Hygienists are contractors and have to pay them for their chair time...