Wednesday, January 29, 2025

No need for AI

The data has already been analyzed by carbon based machines.

These are some cancers that are associated with Porphyromonas gingivalis.

These first five seem to be caused by direct infiltration of the bacteria.  They are the best documented.

  • Mouth and Throat
  • Lung 
  • Pancreatic 
  • Prostate
  • Breast 

These are highly associated with the destructive effects of gingipains creating lesions in the tissues that won't heal.

  • Stomach
  • Colon
  • Liver
  • Kidney

These are ones I suspect:

Brain-   the gliomas seems to start near the molars  We know it infects neurons and astrocytes.

Blood- we know it lives in blood cells.

Skin- I think it gets in our injuries and they won't heal.   I also believe it lives in the interstitium (but can't prove it yet) and can travel to the surface of your face from the inside of your mouth..  Been there, done that.

Lets start with those.  Once we prevent them,  the processes that cause the others will be easier to discern.