Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The benefits and risks of an overactive Habenula

If you are young and your habenula is slightly overactive, you will get more neural punishment for things that you do wrong.   So you will learn faster.   Adults will call you gifted.

So you do more difficult things.   And you get positive reinforcement.   And less fear.

If your pain sensation then diminishes, you will not feel the pain from doing dangerous things.

Then you do riskier things.   Until the things you do are harmful to others or yourself.  (usually sex things...)

Then you get told no.  And your habenula freaks out because it’s been getting more active the whole time.

So, since you’re so smart, and inexperienced, you think you’re right and figure out ways not to get caught.  And suppress your habenula with drugs.   And then everyone tells you that you are stupid.  

And you become motivated to prove them wrong.   For your whole life, if necessary.