Monday, March 24, 2025


Nearly half of depression diagnoses could be considered treatment-resistant, study finds

Let me rewrite this headline:   50% OF DEPRESSION TREATMENTS ARE INEFFECTIVE.

Their efficacy isn't any better than flipping a coin.

That's because they don't solve the problem.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

See the Vortex

He was afraid of getting infected by women.  This is the person who infected him.    When he was a baby.


An ICE Contractor Is Worth Billions. It’s Still Fighting to Pay Detainees as Little as $1 a Day to Work.

Because you will get desperate and do something stupid- and then they will own you.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

That's Tourette's

WATCH: Did Trump Whisper ‘I Love Everybody’ at White House Briefing?

I did this.  V and F sounds bite the lower lip.  It's a symptom of chronically infected lower incisors.  (the white things in his mouth are veneers and crowns...)

You know it's a tic because it's nonsense. He loves nobody but himself.

It causes his speaking problems when it's bad.   Paralyzes his tongue. Makes him gag.

He practices intense facial control in public.  Makes sure not to clench his molars. 

And he makes his family do the same.

Monday, March 17, 2025


"So why the hate and violence against me?" "Because I am a deadly threat to the woke mind parasite and the humans it controls," the MuskRat claimed.

Um no darling.... that would be me.  I actually understand biology.   I am going to make sure everyone knows about your advanced brain infection.

After all that cranial surgery, you might never recover...  tragic.

For the record-  we hate you because you could help a lot of people but you only help yourself.  You're a spoiled rotten brat without any empathy.

On the topic of Toxic Masculinity

I'm just going to keep this post near the top from now on. 

Now that I have pretty much satisfied most of my personal medical obsessions- I am going to turn my gaze on the one I think causes the most problems in the world:  Men’s obsession with their dicks.  

It’s pathological.  It has destroyed civilized society.

Here’s my hypothesis:   Your penises are never happy because you don’t know how they work.  They are mistreated and abused.   They become impaired.

First of all, most of them have been chronically infected by germs that live in saliva.   Do the math.

P. gingivalis impairs the sensory nerves in the skin.   That’s a big problem.  Sexual success is dependent on the ability to perceive pressure and vibrations. 

It also causes inflammation in the tissues.   Which is irritating.    Abrasions then allow the germs into blood vessels, and they get less elastic.

It also gets in the ducts and impairs the draining function.

I wouldn't be surprised if it traveled to your spine and gave you all that back pain...


Secondly, you don’t know how to operate them properly.   You’re terrible drivers.

Orgasm does not just occur in the genitals.   It also drains the glands in the face and throat.  You never ever include that in your workout.   There are vibration sensors in your nasal sinuses too.  You must move your head and neck, you need to stretch your face and tongue.  If you synchronize this with your hips, you will be able to drain your cranium and relax completely.   Yes it looks stupid, but it’s important.

It’s not a wonder you people are never happy.  

Stop blaming women.  You’re the ones suffering from Hysterical Suffocation.  Y'all should have figured that out a long time ago.  Try some curcumin soap and lotion instead.  Reduce your inflammation and infectious burden.  Fix your nasty teeth, they impair your facial nerves.  Clean your mouth and nose before sex too.

And please, stop doing weird anti-masturbation rituals.  It’s quite healthy and satisfying if you do it right.

(for the record, I'm pretty sure you're going to want your children to have a vaccine for this...)

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Quick thoughts

Smoker's lip is actually runny nose lip.   Blowing your nose gets germs all over it.

I have taken to washing my face with curcumin soap afterwards.  And trying to use a swab the rest of the time.

Neck wattles are probably caused by coughing.


The perils of a hyperactive habenula

It easily makes naive people obedient. 

How the Terrorgram Collective’s Neo-Nazi Influencers Groomed a Teen to Kill

Michelle Carter sentenced for texts urging suicide of Conrad Roy

Catholic Church sexual abuse cases by country

Sexual abuse cases in Southern Baptist churches

Mormon abuse cases

Child sexual abuse scandals in Judaism

This list goes on forever.   A week never goes by without another one.

This week:   Robert Morris, former Texas megachurch pastor and Trump adviser, indicted for child sex crimes

Links with extra snark

World's oldest impact crater found, rewriting Earth's ancient history

Ebola-infected monkeys cured with a pill    SCIENCE IS GOOD.

Newborn babies exposed to measles in Texas hospital
Yeah, I have dumbshits like this in my family.  Women who worship fetuses so much they don't get vaccines....They're dangerous.

Jesus is better than a psychologist’: Arizona Republicans want chaplains to be in schools
Ummmm.... can we try Dentists instead?

AI chatbots are ‘infected’ with Russian propaganda
Excellent documentation of the obvious.

Bill to fast-track small nuclear reactors for data centers advances in Arizona Senate
That's very thoughtful of y'all, but where the fuck is the water going to come from?
A presidential decree??   Canada?  Fuck you..   

Meta wins halt to promotion of 'Careless People' tell-all book by former employee
And promptlly triggers the Streisand Effect.   Heh.

An Inside Look at Taser Use in Texas Prison
Tasering noncompliant schizophrenics... 

Iran using drones and apps to enforce women's dress code
Sorry about your penises.  #SAYP

oops I missed this....   I avoid his domain. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Digital Dumpster Fire

Tech bros are living, breathing embodiments of the false authority facility; claiming that their professed understanding of basic logic qualifies them to reason expertly upon every conceivable topic while conveniently ignoring a fundamental maxim of their purported core area of expertise: garbage in, garbage out.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Feeling No Pain


Greetings from the Spectrum

I really don't wan't to wade into this subject because of the kerfuffle it produces, but the billionaires seem to want to use Autism to terminate vaccine production and distribution.   The gloves are off...

Autism has existed longer than vaccines.   Don't be stupid.

The best research shows that autism is caused by infection of the mother during pregnancy.   That makes sense.   The immune response interferes with metabolism and many hormones.  Some viruses can cross the placenta.  P. gingivalis infects the whole uterine area.  

I don't have any direct evidence, but here's my collection of correlations:


These have been documented for decades. Herpes, Rubella, Influenza


The severity of periodontal disease proved to be a key factor, with children of mothers with severe periodontal disease—but not children of mothers with mild or moderate disease—having significantly higher odds of a positive M-CHAT score.


COVID during pregnancy may alter brain development in boys.

In addition, many childhood infections cause cognitive effects.   

Children's mouths constantly have open wounds due to erupting teeth. 

Neonatal herpes simplex virus infections may lead to long-term cognitive impairment

Maternal and fetal infection complicated by post-natal infant infection.  

I'm quite sure that could create a spectrum of dysfunction. The issue is:we don't know which ones cause pathology or at which stage of development.

Vaccines are not the problem.  They definitely could be part of the solution though.

Here's some new, interesting research.   Lithium heals periodontitis.

Lithium as a potential therapeutic option for autism spectrum disorder treatment

Lithium, a widely used drug for bipolar disorder, could also serve as a treatment for ASD. The fact that its effects persist long after treatment ends underscores the importance of early intervention during critical developmental windows.”

One of the underlying mechanisms of ASD symptoms which was discovered within this study, is impaired phosphorylation levels of mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin).

Gingipains from PG reduce levels of  mTOR.  

This is the most innovative study I have seen:

Heart rate activity influences when infants speak

Children do not speak if their heart rate is too high.  Children with ASD have higher and more variable heart rates.

A fast heart rate, usually above 90 beats per minute, is a symptom of sepsis. Sepsis is a systemic response to an infection.


Full disclosure:

I am rather biased on this topic.   I am related to women who don't go to the dentist or get vaccines.  Ever.  They are very sick.  All their kids are neurodivergent.   And don't go to the dentist either.  They do eat antibiotics though.  The ones that are adults all have diabetes.   It's painfully obvious to me what is going on...

They stopped listening to me long ago.  I'm the crazy auntie.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Palate Cleanser

The Repair Shop has put tons of episodes out on YouTube.   

Go Slow. Fix Things.   


Study sheds light on how the brain differentiates new stimuli from old ones

The link between headache disorders and suicide—a 25-year Danish cohort study

Study reveals direct gut-brain communication via vagus nerve

Further experiments involved introducing antibiotics into the small intestines of normal mice, which led to a decrease in vagal activity.

Cocaine user experiences reduced withdrawal cravings with GLP-1 therapy, case study reports   

Yes, that's because cocaine improves glucose metabolism.  That's one of the reasons "addicts" use it....  another is because it's antibacterial....

This 47-Year-Old Claims To Have The Penis Of A 22-Year-Old 

Apparently the one-track brain of a teething adolescent too.

SpaceX loses another Starship in latest launch

People Are Paying Millions to Dine With Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Just another Slave to his Bacteria

The Wickedest Vortex

I believe this is the actual source of sex obsession, love at first sight, teenage pregnancy, dysfunctional couples, infidelity, infertility, impotence and divorce:   Low level genital infection.     Prove Me Wrong.

Huge Thanks to this research team.

Common vaginal condition is really an STD, study finds

A common but potentially dangerous vaginal infection that affects nearly 1 in 3 women globally should be considered a sexually transmitted disease, a new study says.

Bacterial vaginosis is currently viewed as a woman’s issue, thus leaving the sexual partner untreated.

“Our trial has shown that reinfection from partners is causing a lot of the BV recurrence women experience, and provides evidence that BV is in fact a STI (sexually transmitted infection)".   

Viewing such a common vaginal infection as a sexually transmitted disease would be a “paradigm shift” and would require doctors to encourage a woman’s male partner to share responsibility for transmission and treatment, according to an editorial published alongside the study.

They should probably treat these peoples' mouths too.

For the record, the antibiotics they used are very effective at killing most of a P. gingivalis infection.   They are notorious for leaving persistent colonies though.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

It's been seven weeks


No masks.   Really?   His boys sure like to wear them at their protests...

Speaking of masks, I'm guessing the reason they won't wear them any other time is the horrific smell of their breath. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Men who are afraid of Girls

The Plot to Disenfranchise Women Voters

The rumors are true: The proposed Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, or SAVE Act, now considered a priority for Republicans in the House, will make it harder, if not practically impossible, for millions of women to vote. The SAVE Act would require documentation, such as a passport or birth certificate matching your current legal name to allow a person to register to vote. These requirements would pose a challenge to broad swaths of the country, but would fall especially hard on women.

Eight in 10 married women in opposite-sex marriages took their spouse’s last name, and the bill could exclude over 69 million married American women whose names do not match their birth certificate

Taliban order Afghanistan's hair and beauty salons to shut    4 July 2023

Sunday, March 2, 2025

The correct take

"In Odessa they talk about a man without a suit who met a suit without a man"

Translated from

Go Team!

 About 1,000 in Tucson protest Musk, Trump

That's the biggest fastest intersection in town.   The thought of walking near it is terrifying.  Half the vehicles are guys in trucks with guns.  
And they went en masse...

Fun Fact:  The first tornado recorded in Arizona spawned on this corner.  It tore up the Bowling Alley across the street.   So close...